Went Solo Today

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Silver Wings
Silver Wings
Posts: 42
Joined: Feb 2008

Went Solo Today

Postby choppernut » Thu Jul 17 2008, 13:11

After a bit a restless sleep last night... I headed out this morning wondering what would be in store.

The CFI and I had a chat and discussed that he thought I was ready and I was to take him out to YHOX and we'd put in a few circuits together and if he felt I was ready then I'd be off on my own.

Scooted off from YSBK on a nice crisp morning. Heading towards YHOX - joined crosswind (calls good, checks good) and the approach wasn't too bad - can you just show me a landing - yep...

(seatbelt click) - ok I'll walk over there give you the thumbs up and you go and do 3 circuits and on the last one land and pick me up BUT BUT what about the few circuits together :shock: ????? Remember no one in the left hand seat will feel a bit different with the cyclic - I still feel you just can't express to someone how that will actually feel.

1st circuit little bit nervous - (no where near the power required with 2 on board)
2nd circuit better (I think I got all my calls and checks in)
3rd circuit - try not land on the instructor.

Gets back in congratulations - now you can take me home.

Well the smile started and it hasn't quite worn off yet! - shame was I didn't organise the rest of the day off to sit at the pub or better still go for another fly. Back at base - landed - called my wife and my dad - stoked. Now I was told I did break 1 rule - I didn't supply a carton from the boot of my car (yeah yeah I know my shout - case on the way).

The bulk of you obviously know how good the feeling was when you reached this stage of your training / career / life / dream - my words here cannot really convey that but hopefully you know what I mean. **^**

I just feel privledged and humbled that the last 18 years have been dreaming of helicopters and the last 4 months i've been allowed to act on that dream and I'm not looking back. Enough dribble, it's only the beginning and there's a hell of a lot of "polishing" to be done.

Until next time...

choppernut :cool_slp:

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